Saturday, March 17, 2012

Keeping Order

Shortly after the execution of the original Jedi Council or the "Blind Traitors" as the public called them, a resistance group was formed by some of their old followers. Forty thousand Jedi Knights and Masters strong, they sought to end Orono's more merciless regime. On the steps to the Jedi Temple Orono and Nadia came to meet them. Their power was so great that the two could fend of the entire group. Danger truly came for the rebels when Nadia was wounded in the fight. Even though she received only a scratch on her face, it was enough to send Orono into a Force-fueled rage. The winds howled and lightning cracked as he drew on his vast stores of power. Soon Orono's blows became so fast that none could block them in time. Then only seven of the rogue Jedi were left. Seeing great potential in six of them, Orono wounded the first and projected his mind onto the others. They went to strike at him but instead killed the lead Jedi and pledged their allegiance to him. Later that day, the heads of the rebellious Jedi were taken and mounted on a spike for all to see...