Sunday, September 9, 2012

Open Season: The Hunt For Celgo Zoiji

In retaliation for the many crimes committed against them by House Zoiji, the Hutt Cartel placed a one point-five billion credit bounty on Celgo Zoiji. Great hosts of bounty hunters came to collect the reward, but none returned. Eventually the opposition was whittled down to the four most legendary hunters; Kyl "Deadeye" Rovun, Maria "Iceheart" Grixol, Arkon "Techbeast" Nikov and unfortunately, Vyrkon "Metalskin" Zoiji, Celgo's own son. Given a bounty for another target, Vyrkon was dismayed that he was hunting his own father. Instead of attacking from a distance, Celgo approached them and presented an offer: if the three hunters helped cripple the Cartel, they would be given double their fee and join House Zoiji gaining immortality, wealth, great power and weaponry...