Monday, May 30, 2011

Death and Meeting Vyzeria

Then on one fateful raid on Dathomir, Orono died for what would be the first of many times. While slaying the mutant rancors the Empire was breeding, one managed to grab and impale him on one of its many horns. Due to his large amount of Force energy, he was able to cheat death, but only briefly regain consciousness. The last thing he saw was a sword-wielding figure slaying the beast that held him. When he next awoke, he was in a stone hut held together by large bones. Then he discovered who his savior was: A white-skinned woman with raven hair named Vyzeria. While Orono was grateful to her for preventing his death Vyzeria herself was cautious, as Dathomiri witches are not accustomed to outsiders. When asked why she had saved his life, she told him of a vision that dictated she save a dying man and that he would save her life One day, he finally found a way to prove his gratitude. When she had gone on a hunt, Vyzeria had gone too far into Nightsister territory and unbeknownst to her, one of their best hunters was stalking her. Eager to save her life, Orono leapt into the air, lightsaber ignited and cleaved its silver blade across the hunter’s neck. Vyzeria was grateful to him for saving her life but it was forbidden for male and female warriors to be equal on Dathomir. It was after this that the two gradually developed a secret love, which was soon discovered. Unable to exist without each other, the two slipped away on the next transport and out into the galaxy.

Storyline © L.B. Farren