Saturday, July 2, 2011

Orono's Last Battle

After fifty years of fighting the Empire, Orono felt a summons throughout the Force to come to Korriban for one last battle. When he arrived, he saw that thousands of others had arrived for the same purpose. The conflict quickly began, with large casualties on both sides. Orono hacked his way through countless Stormtroopers until he reached the more seasoned Skull Brigade. Known for constant success against Jedi, their attacks proved too difficult for Orono to handle even with his Force power. Receiving multiple chest wounds and the loss of both eyes, Orono limped to the entrance of a nearby temple. He fell back against the side of a statue. Summoning the entirety of his power, Orono opened a rift that consumed half the planet, killing himself in the process.

Storyline © L.B. Farren