Thursday, August 18, 2011

Orono's Freedom

After the return of his enemy Darth Mortis, Orono had been held prisoner in his own body for more than eighteen years. Taken aback by the acts occurring unchallenged by the Order, he had begun to lose hope. But then came the voice of the one closest to him: Nadia Grell. Her words of encouragement were all that was needed. Gathering all the power he had, Orono tore through Mortis' chains and the two dueled in spirit. Again, as before the duel started as a stalemate. Throughout the duel Mortis taunted Orono, saying that he was a fool to return and that nothing was left for him. Orono remained unaffected, as Nadia was now alive and he had learned that even though the Order was undoubtedly flawed he could help others see the error of their ways. This resolve gave Orono the strength to strike down Mortis once again, shattering his doubt and anger. However, before fading away Mortis gave this warning: "You can never escape the darkness!" Now back in control of his body, Orono reunited with Nadia and the two set of in a new Defender class ship to replace the destroyed Cadfael: the Crimson Warden to repent for the evil committed by his form.

Storyline © L.B. Farren