Monday, September 5, 2011

Enter Agent Mirage

With the Republic currently occupied with the murder trials, Vorgen Cyphon now had proper time to train Ivana Jorloss, also known as Mirage in his craft. Due to her prior training, she was a phenomenal success, beating every opponent in close-combat sparring. She also had an unnatural talent for hacking, demolitions and long-range rifle use. Receiving in addition some cybernetics that enhanced endurance, strength and agility with lung implants that made her invulnerable to all poisons and able to "breath" in the vacuum of space, she was a true Imperial prodigy. Agent Mirage's first assignment was where she revealed her final talent: wielding a lightsaber. She had been sent to eliminate a Jedi enclave under the pretense of avenging the Coruscant Incident. A group of Padawans first moved in to fight her but with her enhanced strength she tossed them aside like rag dolls, pummeling them into submission. Then came a pair of Jedi Knights, who fared no better than their brethren as Mirage effortlessly dodged their blows and slit their throats with a survival knife. The last of her targets was the Jedi Master of the enclave. Using the anger of not being able to save her family, she charged at him delivering a series of punches and giving grievous wounds with her knife each time. Finally she had the master backed against the wall. As she grabbed the lightsaber from his hand ready to give the killing blow, she heard an unexpected sound: the raucous cheering of a crowd. She turned to see a battered but active receiver that had broadcasted the entire event to the families affected by the murders. Hungry for vengeance, they cheered and nearly begged her to give the blow. Without once flinching, Agent Mirage did so. There were of course those who believed this act was murder, but due to the current outrage of the past murders, Mirage was cleared of all charges and allowed to go free, sealing her place as Vorgen Cyphon's best student.