Monday, January 16, 2012

Into the Great Unknown

After years of planning and preparation, the Oblivion Reaper and Hydra Legion were ready for war. The two sides met in orbit over Coruscant and began the battle. It was a wild frenzy, with countless ships being shot down one after the other and the Reaper in the center. While the fleet occupied the majority of Republic forces, the Hydra Army relentlessly fought its way to the capital. It was onboard the Reaper that Vorgen and Orono squared off in a duel. However as their showdown intensified, the Force-powered core of the ship was destabilized. As he attempted to flee, Orono came upon the ship's targeting system. Disabling all of the Shockwave-class warheads he was forced to launch at at the political district, which while completely decimating anything in range left the civilian population unharmed. As he left the Reaper's hangar, Orono noticed the ship breaking apart to form a force fueled wormhole. Then to his greater surprise Vorgen flew his ship through the wormhole, never to be seen again.

Or so it seemed...