Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Zoiji Line

While their mother and father were maintaining order in the galaxy, Celgo, Novon and Vyria had time to develop three unique personalities. Born with an insatiable thirst for travel, risky situations and adventure, Celgo went on to become a famous smuggler sending supplies through to the Republic on the freighter Indigo Crow. His brother Novon on the other hand grew to be strong in both body and mind. Fascinated with war strategies, he spent centuries developing techniques for Force-sensitive soldiers to complement Jedi. He was also serious and cautious, a complete contrast to Celgo. Then there was Vyria. A fast learner, she was reading texts on ancient political philosophy at the age of seven. She went on to follow in her father's footsteps and become a Jedi Shadow. She also had a knack for politics, being able to calm even entire nations that were about to go to war. This eventually became a talent imbued by the Force. Vyria realized that by just slightly imbuing her voice with power, it could hypnotize all but her brothers. The three immortal Zoiji heirs soon gained great influence and prestige.

All that changed with the return of Vorgen Cyphon...