Sunday, May 13, 2012

Xaria Zoiji: Daughter of Death

Since her creation by Orono Zoiji, Vilerya the Goddess of Death had become a feared name in the galaxy. A master of necromancy, she could raise countless armies of the undead to aid her in combat. Since many species in the galaxy feared death, she took great pleasure in extending their suffering. However she made a rare exception for those that welcomed it. It was for such individuals that she ended their lives quickly and gave a place of paradise among their loved ones. Then she discovered one human warrior by the name of Xaria (zar-ea) fighting to the last breath to avenge her family. Just before the death blow could be dealt, Vilerya felled the attackers with her black sword and approached Xaria. She offered Xaria a place as her "Huntress of Souls", the deadliest of her fighters and the power to control the dead. Initially wary, Xaria accepted the goddess's offer. Although only fourteen years old when she entered Vilerya's tutelage, Xaria grew to be a fierce champion at only twenty-two. It was at the apex of her power that she was sent to watch over the Zoiji family, referred to by the Goddess as, "the one prize that will never be mine". Then in the early morning near Zoiji Manor on Voss, Xaria appeared. A tall, voluptuous, silver haired woman with golden eyes clad in spiked metal armor, she caught the eye of even Novon and Celgo, who had seen and loved many women in their lives. When she explained her arrival, she was welcomed with open arms into the family. The spiritual essence transfer taught to her by Orono granted her immortality, though she would remain twenty-two physically forever. Xaria also proved a quick study in the art of lightsaber combat, adopting a single-bladed lightsaber with gold coloring and an onyx hilt. Her power grew to such an extent that only the combined strength of the Zoiji family could subdue her. In turn Xaria taught her family how to best control the undead.

While the strength of the Zoiji family had reached its zenith, they would need every ounce of power to stem the Belsavis Uprising...