Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Resisting Fate

After nine millennia of life, Orono was confronted by an avatar of the Force. It expressed great anger, as he had not fulfilled his purpose. Unable to reason with such a being Orono engaged in a duel with it. While he had the situation under control, another Confederate Guardian, H'lysa Qovin tried to distract the avatar. Despite her skill she was split in half, electrocuted and left for dead by the Force. In a flash Orono bashed in its skull and siphoned the power from it. Within minutes, H'lysa was rushed to the hospital. Since Orono brought his vast fortune to bear, she was given state of the art reconstructive surgery. While she barely resembled her Mirialan form, H'lysa would be the first Emperor's Avatar. Working alongside Korgo, his Shadow, she would enforce Orono's will throughout the galaxy....

H'lysa Qovin before her reconstruction

Her rebirth....

Then as the Emperor's Avatar.

H'lysa's new face