Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Bloodied Vows

After attaining the post of Emperor's Wrath, Korgo decided to marry his lover Vette after years of travel together. With the vast amounts of resources available to him, Korgo organized a lavish wedding on the neutral world of Nar Shaddaa. Thousands of guests were in attendance, among them several Hutt crime lords. Just after the vows had been exchanged, several mercenaries loyal to the Hutt clans burst in and attempted to kill the newlyweds. Two of them surrounded Korgo and managed to knock Vette unconscious. In a burst of rage Korgo launched himself forward and grabbed his wife in the midst of several attacks. This made for a rather grisly sight, as his crimson and grey armor was stained with blood and many open wounds were all over his body. After his wife was secure, Korgo rushed at the clansmen in a flash until all lay dead or bleeding to death on the floor. In retaliation, he led thorough and vicious attacks on Hutt palaces throughout the galaxy and none were spared. This act earned Korgo the title Huttsbane...