Friday, June 29, 2012

The Final Son: Xhulon the Deathless and the Twilight Guard

With Vyrkon now leading the vast mercenary armies at the Empire's disposal,  Orono gazed into the future of his House once again. He saw the birth of a ninth son, one that would master all the secrets guarded by the Sith. A clone was  created in one of his several labs and exposed to five hundred Jedi and Sith holocrons. The end result was a great warrior by the name of Xhulon (zoo lon) with dominion over the Force rivaling Orono. Feeling the most alive in combat, Xhulon's skill was both savage and refined all at once and many met their end by his blood red lightsaber. He also collected the souls of his fallen foes to increase his power. In his prime, Xhulon's body housed over ten thousand souls. Spanning a six thousand year lifetime, he managed to either subdue or defeat all the members  of the Dark Council. Their thralls and minions soon became known as the Twilight Guard. Bound with ancient magics, they were sworn to defend the Republic and not even death would let them escape servitude...