Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Korgo's Progeny: Births of Qyrio and Viquina Zoiji

After removing all immediate threats to House Zoiji, Korgo decided to raise a family of his own. To this end he built an impenetrable castle in the cold northern region of Dras Edoc'sil known as the "Warlord's Hearth". It was here that the two children of Korgo and Vette were born: one son Qyrio (keer-eo) and a daughter Viquina. While they were both the children of the Emperor's Wrath, Qyrio and Viquina faced severe discrimination under the Empire's anti-alienistic attitudes. On one occasion, the two were approached by a mob of students threatening to beat them and prove they were better than "off-world trash". The situation quickly grew physical, but Korgo and Vette came on the scene before Imperial guardsmen could interfere. It was at this moment Viquina's Force potential was discovered. Just as the leader of the mob went to strike at her she pushed out both her hands, releasing a torrent of lightning which liquified him to his chest. Qyrio also discovered a unique talent for marksmanship, incapacitating eight additional attackers before they even took a step. It was when their Sith Lord fathers arrived that Viquina and Qyrio's parents intervened. In a flash, Korgo leapt forward and cleaved the chests of two Lords open while Vette gunned down an additional four. Finally the mob retreated to eventually suffer an execution sentence, for attacking the Emperor's Wrath or anyone close to him was considered high treason...