Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Silencing Whispers

While Orono was constructing doomsday weapons for the coming revolt in secret, the three brothers Korgo, Vyrkon and Xhulon were facing problems of their own. Resistance movements had sprung up in the Empire that threatened to halt their master plan. Seeking to resolve their respective situations quickly, the three unveiled the latest of their weapons: the Salvation-class battleships. Two hundred times the size of its template the Oblivion Reaper it could house both a support fleet and an army independently while blockading an entire planet. Their two main strengths were the fourteen miniaturized Heart of the Void energy cannons that complemented another four hundred turbolasers and their six Force-powered reactors, giving them limitless strength in battle. Isolating the threats on Korriban, Dromund Kaas, and Nal Hutta the brothers decimated each fleet, recovering only the skulls of their leaders as an example to others...