Wednesday, October 3, 2012

War of the Shadow Lords

After Xyrio's ascension to Sith Lord, a new threat emerged to confront House Zoiji. A rival family of immortal Force users from the edge of the galaxy, the members of House Styx had come to conquer the galaxy. A long line of bloody battles occurred with even the soldiers of House Zoiji being felled by the thousands. The war stretched on for eighteen years, with many buried on both sides. The fighting reached its peak on Korriban, the place where Orono began the quest for immortality so long ago. All twelve members of his family had cornered House Styx in an abandoned temple but Orono saw only one option. After ordering his family to retreat, Orono released the energy of all the souls inside him. This caused a series of thirteen explosions which opened a rift into the void itself, consuming all...