Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Century of Glorious Victory

With an army of resurrected soldiers at his back, Orono marched on the Imperial capital of Dromund Kaas. Ever the bold warrior, Darkfeir charged ahead and slew countless soldiers with skill that made the Sith Lords leading them seem like children swinging sticks. Orono soon joined in, the crimson blade of his Spirit Scythe ending the lives of many foes. The planet itself seemed to be affected by his power, with the storms growing more intense and the native beasts forming packs to overwhelm any unlucky Sith in their way. The Tethers of Memory he had given his army had a noticeable effect: they were invulnerable to harm. This led to even the Sith Emperor being driven out of his palace and believed dead when a blast from the Heart of the Void brought the palace down on him and crushed him...