Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Face Stealer

With Dromund Kaas successfully damaged, Orono now had to deal with belligerent generals on Coruscant. Led by Garza, they were beginning to doubt his leadership. If they were able to mobilize, Orono would be fighting his own army. To solve this problem, he contacted skilled facial surgeon and Imperial defector Doctor Necronis and arranged for an "unfortunate accident". Garza and the other generals were sent to Axial Park on Corellia into a "safe house" with troops secretly loyal to Orono as an escort. Once inside the doors sealed shut and the generals could only stand shocked as they were gunned down by their squad. Moments after the squad left, a defoliator bomb landed on the safe house. Then Doctor Necronis went to work, selecting four soldiers and modifying them until they were perfect replicas of the dead generals. A day after, the "generals" came before the Senate and swore loyalty to Orono's regime. Now with the Rift Alliance, the Supreme Chancellor and all the generals on his side, Orono effectively controlled the Republic itself...