Sunday, April 8, 2012

War of the Monarchs

After defeating the specter of the First Son, Orono was summoned to deal with a major social revolution. The ruling House Cyron on Vakaris XI, had been battling its own populace in a perpetual land and space battle. In an effort to turn the tide, they had asked the Republic for help. Orono considered this at first, until he heard the people's side of the story. Contrary to what the monarchy had said, the people had been starved and worked to death for years. Now led by Xaer (zaer) Vokon who had lost his sons and daughters to the government, they had become a resistance. This was all Orono needed to hear. Bombers flooded the skies, walkers and tanks fought side by side with soldiers, and the Heart of the Void scorched thousands of targets. In a few months the government plead for its life. However they never truly got the chance to surrender. As the five rulers came to sign the treaty, Xaer charged forward from a crowd, his chest riddled with explosives. The last anyone saw was a bright flash, leaving behind five charred corpses. Unlike the monarchs Xaer was never found and ascended to martyrdom...